Watch Video: Unfazed Elephant Nonchalantly Passes Through A Group Of Dangerous Hippos

Watch Video: Unfazed Elephant Nonchalantly Passes Through a Group of Dangerous Hippos

Elephants are gentle creatures that captivate our minds and touch our hearts. These remarkable sentient beings are truly colossal. Asian elephants can reach towering heights surpassing 11 feet and weigh a staggering 12,000 pounds. African elephants, on the other hand, can grow between 8 and 13 feet tall and weigh over 18,000 pounds.

Despite their immense size, it is widely known that elephants are kind-hearted and gentle giants within the animal kingdom.

African elephants, in particular, are enormous creatures, growing to heights of 8 to 13 feet and weighing more than 18,000 pounds.

Watch Video: Unfazed Elephant Nonchalantly Passes Through a Group of Dangerous Hippos

Illustrating this kind nature, a video from 2009 showcases an elephant in Tanzania fearlessly traversing a swamp infested with hippos, proving that the hippo is no match for this immense and formidable animal. It is worth mentioning, however, that hippos themselves are not exactly delicate creatures.

The hippopotamus, one of Earth’s largest mammals, is a true titan. Male hippos typically weigh between 3,500 and 9,920 pounds, while females tip the scales at around 3,000 pounds. With an average length ranging from 10.8 to 16.5 feet and shoulder heights reaching up to 5.2 feet, hippos are truly magnificent beings.

Moving on to their habitats, both elephants and hippos are native to Africa and can often be found coexisting in sub-Saharan Africa.

Elephants inhabit a total of 37 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with smaller populations also present in India and Sri Lanka. While they primarily reside in grasslands and forests, elephants can adapt to various habitats including savannas, forests, and deserts.

Hippos, on the other hand, are primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa. Countries such as Angola, Zambia, and Namibia serve as their main habitats, while smaller populations exist in South Africa, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Their preferred environments consist of freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and swamps.

Despite their affinity for water and their ability to reside in rivers, lakes, and mangroves, hippos possess delicate skin that is prone to sunburn and dehydration under Africa’s harsh sun. To mitigate these risks, they spend the majority of their time submerged in water or mud in order to keep cool and protect their sensitive skin.

When it comes to lifespan, both elephants and hippos boast impressive longevity that varies depending on the species and their respective environments.

On average, African elephants roam the wild for approximately 60 to 70 years, with some individuals even surpassing 80 years. In comparison, Asian elephants have a slightly shorter lifespan, typically ranging from 40 to 50 years in their natural habitat.

Similarly, hippos tend to live between 40 and 50 years in the wild, although some individuals have been known to reach 55 to 60 years of age.

While animals in captivity generally have longer lifespans due to the absence of predators, this is not the case for elephants and hippos. Both species tend to have shorter lifespans in captivity due to limited space, reduced opportunities for exercise, and subpar diets.

Tragically, both elephants and hippos are categorized as vulnerable or endangered species due to factors such as habitat loss and hunting.

As for hippos attacking elephants, this is not a common occurrence. Hippos typically avoid confrontations with elephants due to their size and the elephants’ readiness to fight if necessary.

Male hippos fiercely defend their territories, while female hippos display aggressive behavior to protect their offspring. Known for their ferocity, hippos are widely regarded as highly dangerous animals. Their massive teeth, with a bite force of 1800 PSI, and tusks enable them to defend themselves against predators, including humans. Unfortunately, sometimes the short tempers of parent hippos can have detrimental effects on their young.

In times of scarcity regarding land and food sources, these creatures may engage in confrontations, particularly if they encroach upon each other’s territory. This video provides evidence that certain hippos will launch attacks in the wild when they perceive it to be necessary.

Watch Video: Unfazed Elephant Nonchalantly Passes Through a Group of Dangerous Hippos

Hippos are exceedingly protective of their turf, utilizing their immense teeth and tusks to deter predators.

A Relaxed Escape

In the footage, the marsh is teeming with numerous hippos seeking relief from the scorching sun. One would anticipate an elephant to cautiously navigate this environment for self-preservation, but this particular individual displays a complete disregard! He effortlessly strides through the midst of the hippos, seemingly oblivious to their presence.


Several of the hippos make attempts to sink their teeth into the elephant and bring him down. One particular hippo persistently seizes his tail. Yet, unfazed, the elephant reaches the other side of the water and continues his day without a care in the world.

The onlooking tourists are thoroughly entertained by the spectacle! At one point, as a hippo lunges in for another bite, the elephant gracefully kicks it away. A top comment on the YouTube video captures the collective sentiment.

It states, “Considering the territorial and aggressive nature of hippos, and how they all yield to the elephant, it is undeniable that the elephant reigns supreme in the jungle.” And indeed, this holds true!



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