When I observed the Cane Corso canine, my initial impression was that this canine was large, rugged, and robust. The Cane Corso breed does possess substantial bodily muscles, is always aware, self-assured, and devoid of fear. This canine is utilized for various tasks, including herding.”
Responsive, nimble, and highly adaptable, Cane Corso breed canines are extensively kept worldwide as cattle herders and guardians. At first sight, this breed of canine does appear rather eerie, but in reality, the Cane Corso is a type of canine that is enjoyable, intelligent, and highly affable towards humans.
As a sizeable mastiff breed, Cane Corso canines are exceptionally muscular and energetic. That being said, this canine is incredibly robust. However, they also exhibit extreme loyalty, affection, and gentleness and are frequently recommended for families with children or toddlers because these canines have a tendency to be very protective of their little human family members.
How to Nurture a Cane Corso Canine
Before making the decision to adopt a Cane Corso breed canine, there are several aspects you must be aware of regarding this particular breed:
A Cane Corso Canine Requires Ample Space
Canines with substantial body proportions are not suitable for residential dwellings or small apartments. Not only that, but active canines undoubtedly require a significant amount of room to move around. Having a spacious yard is not sufficient to exhaust the energy of this particular dog. You still need to take them for walks or engage in playtime at the park.
Cane Corso Canines Need Mental Stimulation
Cane Corso belongs to the category of dog breeds with exceptional intelligence. This means that they are not solely amusing as companions and for physical exercise, but they also necessitate a substantial amount of interaction and mental stimulation. If they are not accustomed to tasks, training, socializing, and engaging in games, it is not unlikely for this canine to become bored, anxious, unruly, or even despondent.
So ensure that you provide extra playtime for this dog before leaving for work or provide them with specific puzzle toys for dogs when you are away. Additionally, make sure that there is a family member who can take over the responsibility of walks and playtime in your absence.
Special Care is Essential
The fur of a Cane Corso canine can be described as short and stiff. However, this does not imply that this dog does not require specialized care. You should bathe this breed of dog at least once per week and brush their teeth two to three times weekly. Take care of and clean their coat daily using a soft and wide brush.
Training with Food Incentives Yields Exceptional Results
Canines adore food. Although this may hold true, it is even more applicable to the Cane Corso breed. They will consume anything you provide. Therefore, exercise caution when providing them with food, as excessive intake can lead to numerous health issues. Avoid leaving any leftovers near this dog, as they will devour them.
It is also important to note that dogs of this breed are easily trainable with food rewards. This canine will execute any command in order to obtain food. Thus, it is not a challenging task to teach them. Simply offer food or treats as a reward, and this dog will quickly become a domesticated breed.