Amusing Response Of A Dog When Owner Retrieves Him from Kennel After Vacation

Amusing Response Of A Dog When Owner Retrieves Him from Kennel After Vacation

Vacationing is meant to be a soothing and untroubled experience, but for those who have furry companions, this is often far from the truth.

The guilt that engulfs pet parents when they are unable to include their beloved four-legged friends in their travels is indescribable. The pain is further exacerbated by the inevitable sense of betrayal reflected in their loyal companion’s eyes upon their return, even if they are genuinely delighted to see their human again. One pet owner still carries the sting of their dog’s cold demeanor years after leaving him at a pet boarding establishment.

Amusing Response Of A Dog When Owner Retrieves Him from Kennel After Vacation

When the owner of Hannibal, the boxer, finally arrived home from their trip, they anticipated an overwhelmingly joyous greeting from their beloved canine. However, upon entering the premises of Dogwoods Canine Play and Stay (which had been mistakenly labeled as a veterinary clinic in the video below) in Olympia, Washington, they were unexpectedly “welcomed” by a genuinely upset pooch.

Amusing Response Of A Dog When Owner Retrieves Him from Kennel After Vacation

Hannibal perfectly conveyed his hurt and anger through an undeniably intense and continuous glare. Remaining upright with his paws firmly planted on his enclosure door, he remained immobile, fixating his gaze as his owner captured the moment. His ability to give the most withering side-eye is truly masterful.

Neither the direction his human moved nor any attempt to elicit a different response prompted any change in the expression on Hannibal’s face – utter disgust. It is reminiscent of the famous Mona Lisa, whose eyes seem to follow you throughout the room without ever shifting her position.

Amusing Response Of A Dog When Owner Retrieves Him from Kennel After Vacation

His eyes silently communicate a profound question, “Do you recall me, your most cherished friend? The one you abandoned?

Millions witnessed a scene of sheer intensity as Hannibal castigated his owner with an intense gaze. Cautionary voices in the crowd advised the owner to be on guard within the confines of their home, as an act of retaliation seemed inevitable. Comparisons were even drawn between Hannibal’s facial expression and that of renowned actor Samuel Jackson, known for his formidable stare.

Amusing Response Of A Dog When Owner Retrieves Him from Kennel After Vacation

“The furniture, deceased… your house shoes, deceased… pristine floor, deceased,” one observer quipped with a touch of humor. Another chimed in, asserting that Hannibal’s gaze was not simply a stare, but rather a scorching of one’s very soul.

Undoubtedly, finding oneself at the receiving end of such an intense glare would be a daunting prospect. Let us hope that Hannibal and his owner have reconciled after allowing for some time to pass and emotions to cool. Witness the astonishing display as this boxer seemingly emits laser beams from his eyes in the following video, and feel free to share it with fellow canine enthusiasts to brighten their day.


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