Blind Rescue Cats Utilize “Chirping” Sounds as a Way to Locate Each Other

Blind Rescue Cats Utilize 22Chirping22 Sounds as a Way to Locate Each Other

Two blind kittens may not have the ability to see each other, but they compensate for it by relying on sound!

Nicole, an advocate for animals with special needs and a foster mom, couldn’t turn away when she heard about these two blind kittens who needed help.

During an interview, Nicole expressed, “On the first day I brought them home, I honestly felt overwhelmed. Their eyes were severely infected. It was truly heartbreaking, but they had no one else but me, so I was determined to fight for them.”

When Nicole welcomed George and Hamilton, the two tiny kitten siblings, into her home, they were only four weeks old. She shared on Instagram that due to severe eye infections, the poor kittens were unable to close their eyelids, causing them excruciating pain.

She wrote, “To think of the immense pain they must have endured at only five weeks old…not being able to close their eyelids due to the severity of the infection was truly heartbreaking.”

Blind Rescue Cats Utilize "Chirping" Sounds as a Way to Locate Each Other.
Blind rescue cats are playing together – Facebook: TheDoDo

Fortunately, after undergoing three different surgeries, George and Hamilton were finally relieved of their pain and could enjoy some peace. Finding a forever home for two special needs, blind cats would not be an easy task, and Nicole ultimately decided to keep them as a foster fail.

As George and Hamilton grew and learned to navigate their surroundings without sight, Nicole was amazed by their intelligence and determination. In her conversation with The Dodo, she mentioned that they are practically inseparable, but when they are apart, they use chirping sounds to reunite. How clever!

On Instagram with pictures, Nicole wrote, “I could have never anticipated that George would grow up to resemble a mini lion and Hammy would be as silly as he is. It’s incredible how their personalities change as they grow older! They are brothers, but they couldn’t be more different in many ways!”

Thanks to Nicole’s unwavering dedication to George and Hamilton, the cats are now two years old! Many shelters might have chosen to euthanize a pair with such a severe condition, but Nicole refused to give up on them, and now they are living their best life together.

Blind Rescue Cats Utilize "Chirping" Sounds as a Way to Locate Each Other.
George and Hamilton then and now – Instagram: nicolemeowfosters

When speaking to The Dodo, Nicole expressed, “I honestly can’t imagine them being placed in any other home. They have forever changed my life.”

Take a look at the captivating video provided:


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