Exploring The White Elephant: Its Meaning And Ancient Roots

Exploring The White Elephant: Its Meaning And Ancient Roots

Understanding common phrases in American culture can be challenging, especially for non-native English speakers. Even for native speakers, some meanings are lost and their origins are forgotten. Perhaps you’ve heard someone say something that went completely over your head, or you’ve heard it repeatedly but don’t really grasp its meaning. Have you ever received an invitation to a white elephant party? Maybe you have a basic understanding of what it entails, but not the origin of the saying. Uncover the origin and meaning of “white elephant,” including examples and synonyms.

What Type of Phrase is “White Elephant?”

An idiom is a phrase that possesses a specific meaning that cannot be easily deduced from the individual words within the phrase.©MinskDesign/Shutterstock.com

Exploring The White Elephant: Its Meaning And Ancient Roots

The expression “white elephant” is an idiomatic phrase. An idiom is a phrase that possesses a specific meaning that cannot be easily deduced from the individual words within the phrase. For example, “break the ice” means to initiate a conversation, and “a dime a dozen” refers to something being common and ordinary. You comprehend the phrase as a whole, but when analyzing its components separately, it becomes nonsensical. People who are not native or fluent English speakers may not understand that a phrase like “break a leg” does not literally mean someone wants your leg to break.

The phrase “white elephant” falls into the same category. When someone invites you to a white elephant party, it does not mean there will be actual white elephants wandering around.

So, what does “white elephant” exactly mean? And where does the phrase originate from? Let’s delve into it.


What is the Meaning of “White Elephant?”

Exploring The White Elephant: Its Meaning And Ancient Roots

In the realm of investments, a white elephant refers to a business or property that is too costly to operate and generate profits.

A white elephant is an expensive possession or burden to maintain. It is an extravagant item that serves no practical purpose and holds no genuine value. The owner of such an item typically cannot get rid of it and is often troubled by the costly upkeep and maintenance it requires.


However, the term “white elephant” can also be applied to describe other things, such as a business, property, project, or investment. In the investment world, a white elephant is a business or property that is excessively expensive to operate and fails to generate profits. These assets are also considered illiquid, meaning they are difficult to sell or trade, resulting in financial losses for the owners. For example, a white elephant in the real estate industry would be a property that incurs high maintenance costs, and the seller would suffer significant losses if they attempt to sell it, assuming they can even find a buyer. Expensive construction projects like shopping malls, airports, and stadiums can also turn into white elephants. They require substantial funds for maintenance and often fail to generate enough revenue to justify their continuation. Additionally, the term can be used to describe employees who hold little to no value but cannot be terminated.


From Where Does the Phrase “White Elephant” Originate?


If a ruler presented to you a white elephant, it had both positive and negative aspects. You gained favor from a significant individual, but now you possess an expensive creature. The expression “white elephant” emerged in Southeast Asia. Monarchs in Siam (Thailand), Burma, Cambodia, and Laos maintained white elephants due to their mighty status. White elephants symbolized affluence, fairness, and might, and they were highly regarded as indications of wealth and influence. In reality, white elephants were so revered that regulations safeguarded them from engaging in labor. They were intended to stand proudly and exhibit power. And if you are unaware, elephants require substantial expenses for their upkeep. In modern times, the care of a single elephant can amount to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

Exploring The White Elephant: Its Meaning And Ancient Roots

If a ruler bestowed upon you a white elephant, it signified both a blessing and a curse. It indicated that you earned recognition from a person in authoritative position, but it also implied that you are now accountable for this incredibly costly creature. Additionally, since employing white elephants for work was illegal, you could not recuperate any funds for their maintenance. Nor were you allowed to give the animal away as it would be seen as a display of disrespect. In other words, a white elephant was an impractical and useless present.

Thus, the concept for a white elephant party. The objective is to purchase the most impractical and absurd gift possible. Today, the white elephant has become a common prank and is all in good-natured amusement.


What is a Synonym for White Elephant?


  • Load
  • More problem than it is worth
  • Millstone
  • Discarded items
  • Reject
  • Trash
  • Futile
  • Gadget
  • Valueless
  • Outdated object

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