Why An Entomologist Advises Against Killing Spiders In Your Home

Why An Entomologist Advises Against Killing Spiders In Your Home

Arachnophobia stands as one of the most prevalent fears known to humanity, encompassing an overwhelming dread of spiders. When individuals afflicted with this phobia witness a spider swiftly scuttling across the floor, they are left with two choices: either flee from the room while emitting a series of screams or hastily grab a shoe, their intent focused on crushing the eight-legged intruder. Although both options possess a certain allure, perhaps one should consider taking a deep breath and granting the spider its freedom.

Why An Entomologist Advises Against Killing Spiders In Your Home

Photo: Little Rock Airforce Base

Many of us reside within a fairytale, believing that maintaining an impeccable level of cleanliness within our dwellings will effectively deter spiders from infiltrating our sacred space. However, if you find yourself harboring such notions, you may find Matt Bertone’s insight, as presented in an article for The Conversation, rather intriguing. Bertone and his esteemed colleagues from North Carolina State University conducted a thorough survey of fifty North Carolina homes. Care to guess what they discovered? They uncovered spiders in every single abode!

Bertone presents a disheartening reality that those afflicted with arachnophobia will undoubtedly find disconcerting. Spiders, as predators, possess an insatiable appetite and will devour nearly anything that crosses their path, including seeking refuge within the confines of one’s home. In fact, these arachnids constitute an integral component of the home’s ecosystem, diligently feasting upon an assortment of delicacies ranging from mosquitoes to decaying flies. It may even bring solace to know that spiders are known to devour their fellow arachnids. Hence, granting the spider a touch of leniency might be in your best interest, as they serve as unwitting guardians on your behalf.

Why An Entomologist Advises Against Killing Spiders In Your Home

Photo: Wikimedia

Furthermore, it is essential to recognize that the spiders making their way into your abode are unlikely to resemble the monstrous, hirsute creatures conjured within our imagination. Rather, the majority are innocuous residents, belonging to the cobweb or cellar spider variety. While it is true that they may possess venom, the likelihood of their bite breaking through human skin remains rare. And even if such a rare event did transpire, their venom lacks the potency to impact your well-being. If you happen to be one of those individuals haunted by the unrelenting fear of spiders crawling upon your body as you slumber, it is highly probable that your restless nocturnal movements and clamor are enough to dissuade these eight-legged denizens from venturing near.

Albeit elusive to the naked eye, the reality persists that spiders do occupy your living space. Despite your disapproval of their presence, bear in mind that they toil diligently on your behalf, upholding a delicate equilibrium by warding off insects and, quite possibly, even other spiders. While their presence may not be a source of pleasure, perhaps the prospect of coexistence is not entirely abhorrent.

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