Woman Playfully Inquires, “Where’s The Cat?” And Is Astonished By The Dog’s Response

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

Cats are proficient at concealing. As long as they don’t desire you to locate them, at times it is simply impossible for you to spot them. However, have you ever attempted to ask your dog when you could not locate your kitty? The response might be surprising! Let’s meet Melanie and Chippy today to discover the finest hiding place ever.

Chippy the cat and Melanie the Bernese mountain dog are best friends. And they are the proud children of Melanie Shield, their adoring mother. To widely spread all the amusing moments of this pair, their mother decided to create a social media channel solely for publishing all their images and videos. The account quickly went viral and attracted lots of attention from internet users.

These two pals share countless adorable moments on the internet, but perhaps the most endearing one is the wholesome video, in which Melanie Shields attempts to inquire about the whereabouts of Chippy.

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

Theodore was attempting to conceal something!


Theodore seemed to be looking innocent while lying on his bed in the video, but you could perceive that he was concealing something. “Theodore, where’s Chippy?” Melanie interrogated her dog.

From the manner in which he was lying down and the expression on his face, it seemed that Theodore was going to pretend he didn’t know anything. With those eyes that would make you feel guilty for asking, he was simply going to rest there and gaze at his mom.

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

But then comes the most delightful surprise…


Theodore ultimately lifts his head, revealing where Chippy has been the entire time. It turns out that Theodore had been covering his feline sibling beneath him the entire time! And it appears like Chippy had a spot for napping in the dog’s warm and comfortable fur.

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

However, the charming scene has not ended yet.

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

After the “game was up,” Theodore decided to shower his little buddy with affection. He began kissing and licking Chippy right away. It’s difficult to determine if Chippy liked it or found it bothersome, but it’s incredibly cute.

Chippy moved as if to leave the bed, but Theodore moved his paw, preventing Chippy from departing.

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

Chippy isn’t actually trapped, though.

Woman Playfully Inquires, "Where's The Cat?" And Is Astonished By The Dog's Response

Chippy, according to his mother, would not allow himself to be embraced like this if he didn’t like it. This is a very unusual dog-cat relationship. They don’t always get along. They are not adversaries, but they communicate in different ways. What dogs perceive as friendly can be misunderstood as an assault by cats. Melanie is extremely fortunate and blessed that Theodore and Chippy get along so well.

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