Woman’s Final Farewell To Beloved Parrot Takes An Unexpected Chilling Turn

Woman's Final Farewell To Beloved Parrot Takes An Unexpected Chilling Turn

This article was originally published on American Web Media.

Everyone knows that parrots enjoy talking. However, were you aware that they are also creatures with feelings? BirdSupplies.com describes parrots as being “nearly human-like” in terms of their emotions. The video captures a heartwarming moment between a woman and her bird.

A parrot named Sinbad, who is an African gray, has spent the last 25 years conversing and cuddling with his owner. Presumably, they have had many enjoyable conversations during this time and clearly share a very close bond.

Dying Woman Says Final Goodbye To Her Parrot, But The Parrot's Reaction  Will Make You Cry! - YouTube

Regrettably, the owner of Sinbad is currently on her deathbed. As her breathing becomes more strained, the daughter of the owner invites the parrot to come and bid farewell.

However, according to the daughter, the African gray parrot is displaying strange behavior. It almost appears as if he is having difficulty processing this challenging moment. This could explain his unusually quiet demeanor at the deathbed. It is almost as if his sorrow has rendered him speechless.

It is known that parrots can experience grief when a loved one passes away. International Celebration of Birds states that this grief can be shown through uncontrollable screams or frantic searches for the owner around the house.

A dying woman bids her 26-year-old parrot farewell, and the bird's response  has everyone in tears. - NEWS FROM MEDIABLOG

The Daily Mail has also reported on instances of grieving parrots being prescribed Prozac. Additionally, Petcha.com suggests that parrots need time and space to process bereavement. The website explains that ignoring a pet bird’s grief can cause permanent damage to the bird’s trust in humans. Just like humans, the grieving period for parrots can vary in length.

If you find it difficult to comprehend the concept of birds grieving, the video below will likely change your perspective. Even though the owner is struggling to breathe and speak, she still manages to whisper “I love you.” In response, the bird nestles in closer. It is a poignant scene that definitively dispels the notion that animals are devoid of emotions.

Watch the following video and see if you can hold back tears!

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